This was excellent! Highly recommend watching the recording!

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Excellent information and report. Be sure and visit the


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Watch the convo! Excellent, helpful remarks by all.

Andrew pretty much stated one of my biggest takeaways: that 30% number keeps popping up consistently. It seems to be the baked-in % of our total population that sympathizes/outright supports White Christian Nationalism. That’s the intractable segment - and I do see it as intractable. Seems to me that 30% minority also seem to have about 300x the energy and Will To Power as the rest of us mere ordinary folks who’d prefer to get along with our neighbors, maybe even share the abundance of our country’s wealth & opportunity with everyone.

So we dare not, must not, underestimate the reach & aims of this 30%. Trump tapped it and waltzed right into the White House. If he does so again, that 30% will instantly turn into 100% control over all the levers of power. Read Project 2025. That’s the plan. Just look at how one White Christian Nationalist zealot is holding the entire Free World hostage right now, with millions of innocent lives hanging in the balance. And he calls himself Moses.

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