Shocking, thanks for the full biblical context, too. This is why Geoff Robberts wrote "Dominion 2024," a novel that highlights a renegade president's attempt to form a Christian nation. I understand he has begun a 3rd book in the series, tentatively titled "Orange Jesus."
I'm not an Evangical. I don't
practice an "organized"
religion anymore. I have
raised my children to believe
in God and Jesus Christ and
the teachings of Our Lord.
They are with me every
minute of my day and night.
Around me all of the time.
I cannot express my
heartache at the blasphemy
Trump continues to voice and
the shallow mindlessness
and lost souls who follow
Yes, this is Holy Week. A
week when Jesus would face
His greatest testings. Blessed is the Lord.
Shocking, thanks for the full biblical context, too. This is why Geoff Robberts wrote "Dominion 2024," a novel that highlights a renegade president's attempt to form a Christian nation. I understand he has begun a 3rd book in the series, tentatively titled "Orange Jesus."