Robby, I've shared your idea of a season of critical patriotism with Howard Fromkin, my friend at Temple B'Nai Israel, here in Hattiesburg. We'll be talking about it soon. This would give us an anchor and a name, and those kinds of "tools" are what we've been lacking. Thank you for putting it out.
Fantastic idea with healing at its core. Thanks.
This is brilliant, Robby. Yasher Koach.
Thanks, Arnie!
Check out Bridge of Lament on Substack that engages in critical patriotism at a local level between Juneteenth and Independence Day with daily posts.
Robby, I've shared your idea of a season of critical patriotism with Howard Fromkin, my friend at Temple B'Nai Israel, here in Hattiesburg. We'll be talking about it soon. This would give us an anchor and a name, and those kinds of "tools" are what we've been lacking. Thank you for putting it out.
Dick, that's fantastic to hear. Keep me posted--I'd love to hear how it develops!